Tag Archives: Grief and Death

Christmas Is For Kids

The holidays are upon us. 

I was raised catholic so Christmas time is full of Mid-night Mass memories.

In my adult life, I have observed and accepted many different religions.  Where there is love, I am at home.

Christmas to me means giving of yourself with a brand new spirit of good will, that will carry you through ‘til the spring time, when amazing things are possible.

Since I was born and raised in Montana, for me the winter thaw, followed by spring and new life is a powerful time.

Whenever you get caught up in your ego, spend some time with young children and animals.  They can really teach you something about being yourself.

A Child knows exactly who they are even when the adults in their life are wondering.

By the time they hit adolescence, you’ve got your hands full….but those early years are precious innocence.

Christmas Is for Kids is one of my favorite holiday songs.  My mom used to play it every year when I was growing up.

The song talks about adults returning to childhood with the spirit of Christmas.

Ya gotta love it.

If you can embrace the season with a child like innocence you will bring joy into the hearts of everyone you meet.

Magic and wonder are not given the credit they deserve, and happiness really is contagious!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Is the Joy of Christmas Casting a Shadow of Depression On Your Holiday Season?

Christmas 2008-s

Are you finding yourself feeling depressed this holiday season?

In every culture, there are special days that bring back memories of home and loved ones.

Those special days can feel bitter sweet when you are dealing with loss.  The pain becomes intensified.

You don’t want to deal with happy people because you just can’t feel happy.  There is just no faking it.


Do you just wish the holidays were over?

Somehow, when the world is celebrating, loneliness is magnified.

John was a patient of mine for many years.  He absolutely loved the holidays.

His devoted wife was a beautiful energetic lady who was always busy doing something creative.  She had an unbelievable garden, lots of cats and dogs, she loved to bake and used to have a delicious care package to give me whenever I visited.

Every Christmas, she turned their home into a winter wonderland.  It was quite a treat, since the hot humid Hawaiian afternoon just didn’t feel like Christmas to this Montana girl!

I have fond memories of sitting at their kitchen table drinking hot cocoa with candy canes.  (With the air conditioning, it almost felt like winter!)

I remember Ida telling me about her challenges making her traditional Christmas dishes without salt.  John really looked forward to the family celebration, but usually ended up in the hospital before the new year.  To much salt, wine, and fun always did him in.

John would say, “Ida, I’m only gonna live once, it wouldn’t be Christmas without your famous Christmas dinner!”

Every year with the house looking like a post card, the two of them would greet their kids, grand-kids, and extended family for the wildest celebration you have ever seen.  My favorite part was singing Christmas carols by the bonfire.

Their family was full of so much love, you could feel it in the air.

Five years ago, John passed away a few days after Thanksgiving.

Ida faced her life without him.  She couldn’t celebrate the holiday.  Her family tried everything to get her to join them at their homes, or even a Christmas vacation for the whole family. Continue reading Is the Joy of Christmas Casting a Shadow of Depression On Your Holiday Season?

Does Validation Matter?

Family-Love -300

Are you in constant pain … emotionally or physically?

Have you lost your independence?

Have you lost a loved one?

Do you cope with mind numbing pain every day?

Sometimes life dumps you upside down and you feel very disconnected from the world.

When you can acknowledge your struggle AND your progress, you can move past isolation and reconnect with your family and your community.

Do you keep a stiff upper lip?

You’d really rather not bother others.  Chronic pain is something we learn to live with, but others may grow “sick of hearing about it”.

When you become isolated you are cut off from your healing.  Relationship is the place to cultivate Love and Love is a very important part of the healing process!


It’s time you relax and give yourself a break.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

But sometimes, even the tough need to sit down on the curb of life and cry.  Your burden becomes too heavy, and you need to acknowledge your own pain.

When you can do this for yourself, you can more easily do this for others.  Validation is a gift.


When you have the choice to say no, you can more easily say yes.

When you acknowledge you are in pain, you can take the day off, soak in a hot salt bath, and take a nap, can’t you?

When you let yourself grieve for a loved one, however you need to express it, then you can enjoy your cherished memories.

When you throw a temper tantrum over the loss of your active lifestyle and independence, you can throw yourself fully into rehabilitation efforts.

Allow, express and release all of your negative emotion when you have private time, and you will be amazed at the positive result it has on your attitude and your health.

Your ability to heal is miraculous!

Sometimes its hard to fathom what is possible.

You really are that awesome.

You need to believe you’re awesome or you won’t be able to make anyone else believe in themselves!

If you have 16 and a half minutes to watch the cute clip below you might understand that philosophy just a little bit better.

It’s sure to put a smile on your face at the very least!

Does Validation Really Matter?

You be the judge. 

Doesn’t it feel good to laugh and smile?


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Are You Mending a Broken Heart?

Senior and Young Women Holding Hands

How can you mend a broken heart?

First you need to become aware of your broken heart! You KNOW it when a love is lost in some way, but do you recognize your aching heart in the basic activity of your everyday?

It shows up all the time. What ever you want to be doing … you know you should be doing … but you are NOT doing, has something to do with this aching heart.

When you navigate life from your heart space this aching heart becomes very obvious.

You aren’t doing what you want to be doing because you are resisting it.

If you weren’t resisting it, you would jump in and DO whatever it is that you want to be doing!


Does it seem over stated to call “resistance to change” a “broken heart”?

If you don’t allow your feelings for any reason, you interfere with the guidance they would otherwise offer you.

Change is difficult if you are not tuning into your higher guidance.  You are not accessing your intuition if you are not allowing your emotions.


Allowing your emotion can be a difficult thing to do.

Denying your emotions might seem like a good idea in the moment.  Saying “I’m fine” may seem like it makes you feel better, but if that isn’t how you truly feel then you are stuffing your emotions, denying them even to yourself.

Susan felt that exercise was such an interruption in her routine.

She didn’t really acknowledge that it made her feel awkward and sweaty.

Until she really addressed what it was about “exercise” that she resisted, she couldn’t come up with creative ideas that might be more inspiring because they seem more pleasant to Susan.

  • Swimming might be an option for Susan.  Skill isn’t required to make “healthy activity” out of paddling in the water.
  • An early morning walk in the cool air before her neighbors begin their morning commute might feel more pleasant to Susan.
  • A rebounder tucked in Susan’s closet in front of the teli with a good movie might be more appealing!

Hey, it’s all “exercise” and it all counts!

Asking herself good questions really helped Susan deal with her habitual negative thoughts about exercise.

“How can a brisk walk make my day better?”

Helen feels like she is tied to her oxygen machine, like a leash, preventing her from living her life.

Every time she gets up to walk across the room, she trips on the darn thing!

It feels like a crutch not a healing tool!

In fact, using oxygen felt like giving up to Helen.

The “Life Breath Club” taught Helen how useful supplemental oxygen could be when used diligently!

She also learned many things she was doing that were hurting her and stopping any progress.

Helen just wanted to feel better and gain a little strength so she could enjoy her family and her garden!

Helen began feeling better quickly once she made her decisions based on what she was learning from the “Life Breath Club”.

It was a sad day for Helen the day she realized she needed to use oxygen much more than she was currently using it, but she got over it quickly and took action to meet her oxygen needs.

She quickly lost weight without trying!

Sleep came easier and she had less night time waking!

Helen felt stronger within a week and enjoying her garden became easy.  It didn’t tire her out to get out there and enjoy it so that is exactly what she did!

Helen didn’t know she was resisting the therapy that could really heal her weak heart muscle.


What is your “broken heart story”? Love yourself enough to allow it to mend.

Give to yourself what you need! Take time to learn how!

Once you begin to heal you will experience many old feelings resurfacing.

It is important that you regain your strength so that you can process even your most difficult emotions without creating imbalance and stress.


How do you mend a broken heart and regain strength to heal and realize all your goals?

In the “Life Breath Club” we use an action plan we call BLESS:


Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find our why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been altered with genetic modification.


Sit in quiet stillness everyday.

All of your answers are within you.


Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength.

When you find solution to suffering it is your job to tell everyone who will listen.

Helping others is the way to mend your broken heart!


Will yours be the next BLESSed life?

Become a member of the “Life Breath Club” today!

Click on the link below to learn more about member benefits!



Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Grief Sucks: Ever Had Your Heart Ache So Bad You Thought It Would Kill You?

Grief is inevitable, it is a part of life.

The more that we love, the more that we will come to know grief.

I know it well today. My good friend Terry died last night.

I miss her already.

I’ve shared Terry’s story with you recently. She had fought so long, but we thought she had finally got a foothold. We thought she was finally out of the woods. Oh was she happy to be home!

I was shocked when my daughters Briana and Makayla met me at my van as I pulled in my driveway after dark.

Briana said, “Mommy, Jonathan called…….he said Terry passed away.”

My heart sank, and my only thought was, “why didn’t I hug her the last time I saw her.”

Though I knew why. I didn’t hug her because I had muddy shoes on, and now I will never get another chance to hug her.

“Why didn’t I get over there more often,” was my next thought.

I know the answer to that question too. There was no excuse, I just got caught up in the busy life of raising kids and working long hours.

But it was more than that……… Continue reading Grief Sucks: Ever Had Your Heart Ache So Bad You Thought It Would Kill You?